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January PTF Notes

January 30, 2025
By CCS Office


1. Thank you!
Thank you to all who participated and volunteered in December activities. The month was very busy and the committee greatly appreciates all who helped make it happen. 

2. School Promotion
CCS is working to promote the school and encourage new enrollment! Here are some ways you can help: write positive reviews on all social media platforms, distribute flyers to neighborhoods and small businesses, Mrs. Bednar is also looking for one more family to participate in a featured family campaign, etc. Contact Mrs. Bednar if you are interested in participating in the Featured Family opportunity.

3. Pop Up Shop
Pop- Up Shop extended to February 3. We need a volunteer to help Sara Todd in the last week of February handle and sort the orders to be distributed.

4. Uniform Exchange
Volunteer Needed for uniform closet clean up. One or two people needed to make sure clothes are properly sorted, folded, and generally tidied up. It is a simple project that just needs a person or two to spend a few hours of attention.

5. February Events

-February 6th - Day of Prayer: a sign up list was emailed out to volunteer for a spot. Prayer lists are provided.
-February 10th - Breakroom Blessings: The committee will coordinate with Middle School families to arrange goodies for teachers and staff in the work room. 
-February 14th - Valentine's Day: It is a half day, but all classes will celebrate that Friday from 11-12. Middle school will be in the gym. Elementary will be in the classrooms. Second grade will be on the playground. Room parents will coordinate with teachers on what the party will involve. Room parents will help get a class list for the parents. Remember to include all students.

6. March Events

-March 1 - Lowcountry Boil at the Troyers House: Tickets will go on sale beginning Monday, February 3. Adult tickets will be $75 and children tickets will be $20. It is open to anyone including extended family, alumni, and community members. Staff and teachers tickets are complimentary. 
-March 20 - Chick Fil A breakfast for teachers: The front office will organize.
-March 21 - Grandparents Day: Ms. Chandler would like to have a volunteer to help facilitate this activity. May need a committee as well. Today we discussed limiting the activity to just elementary school. It will be a chapel and then a lunch immediately following. Plans and details are still being discussed and will be finalized.

7. Immediate Need  
The snack cart needs to be organized and running ASAP. The snack cart is a fundraiser for the 7th and 8th grade trip in May. Last year it raised enough money to take off $100 from each child.  We are in need of an adult to be in charge of ordering and restocking. There also will be a sign up genius created to have adults present for the snack card sales. More details to come, but need a volunteer in charge.

Next PTF meeting is February 20th.


PTF Mission Statement:
Parent Teacher Fellowship is a group of parents that build community within the school by bridging parental involvement with the teachers and staff.  This is accomplished through school- wide events, such as our school fundraiser (Lap- A-Thon), classroom partied, teacher appreciation, breakroom blessings for the teachers, and our end of year celebration. We need a LOT of volunteers to make this successful!

Tags: meetings, parents, PTF
Posted in PTF

November PTF Notes

December 02, 2024
By CCS Office

November PTF Notes

1. Lap A Thon Recap

Lap A Thon was a success. About $30,000 raised! Top Prize for Elementary went to Kindergarten. 6th Grade won for Middle School. Kindergarten will have a Zaxbys lunch on November 21. Sixth Grade went to Turbo Cone and the Park.

Positives: Balloons and Arch, Booster- thon platform, class flow, weather, Sarah Ireland as MC!

Thoughts/ suggestions: Prize platform is a lot of work. We are considering using Booster-thon prize platform, Tikis at the end of the day, Middle school at the end of the day, Color run?, too much water.

Ashley Chandler led discussion on possibly purchasing add on packages for Booster services. More discussion will be had on this and will revisit.

2. Thank you Shout Outs!

Breakroom Blessings: Kate Bailey, Sarah Cates, Lisa Christian for set up and planning and Jennifer Bennicker for organizing, Shanna Nimmons and Rebecca Maddox for decorating for CFA sponsored lunch.

3. December Events

Christmas Programs - 

Thursday, December 5 
3rd -5th grades 6:00-6:30 pm - reception 6:30-7:00 pm
6th - 8th grades 7:00-7:30 pm - reception 7:30-8:00 pm

Friday, December 6th - K-2nd grades 10:00 am

The evening reception will be different this year. It will be held in the entryway of the Church building with stations set up for hot chocolate, lemonade and water, and cookies.

PTF involvement: Jamie will create a sign up genius asking for cups, cookies, napkins, hot chocolate, clean up. Maybe need a large gatorade cooler for hot chocolate…can decorate it to look nice.

PTF purchases thank you card and gift for Mrs. Cummings and musician to be presented at the middle school performance.

4. Christmas Bonus

PTF to send out information on Christmas Bonus this Friday. It will be a mailed letter. In lieu of gifts, families are asked to contribute to a Bonus fund that is divided amongst all faculty.

5. Christmas Breakfast for teachers

CFA Breakfast for teacher date may be switched to Tuesday, December 10 to accommodate the gym schedule for setting up ahead of the morning breakfast. Waiting on final basketball schedule to finalize.

6. Christmas Parties

Christmas Parties will be on Wednesday, December 18. Middle school will be during lunch and recess from 12:35 to 1:25. Middle school room moms will collaborate together. K-5 th grades will have their parties from 2-3:15. Jennifer Binnicker to message room parents!

7. School Promotion

The school is working on some ways to promote the school. They are asking parents to leave positive reviews on Google,, Private School Review, Facebook, etc. Share, like, and comment on Social Media posts.

Parents are asked to pass along flyers and any other information.

8. Anti- bullying campaign

Mr. Bednar is launching an anti-bullying curriculum, “The Protectors.” He just received all of the resources and is hoping to launch it in December. He is also planning a Parent Zoom meeting in December to talk about Social Media and Online practices of kids. The date will be sent out once he knows the basketball game schedule.

9. Fundraising Report

Mr. Beall said that fundraising is on track. March 1 will be the Lowcountry Boil hosted by the Troyer family. Tickets will be sold. 

10. Looking Ahead

February – Valentine’s Parties will be February 14th , Breakroom Blessings on February 10 (middle school families)

March- Grandparents Day, a committee will be put together to set up event

Next PTF meeting is January 23, 2025.

Tags: meetings, PTF

October PTF Notes

November 15, 2024
By CCS Office



1. Jamie Kornegay opened with prayer and review of Day of Prayer Attributes of God:

2. Parent-teacher conferences
Conferences will be held Thursday, October 31. There will be NO SCHOOL and 5th- 8th grade students must attend with parents.

3. 1st CFA Sponsored Staff Lunch 
-Thursday 10.31.24 12 pm during conference day
-Shanna Nimmons and Rebecca Maddox will decorate at 11:30
-Shelley Fipps will order food delivery

4. Basketball Tryouts
-Students must complete registration and read by-laws
-Junior Boys (grades 4-6th) Monday, 10.28.24 3:30-5pm
-Junior Girls (Grades 5-6th) Monday, 10.28.24 3:30-5pm
-Senior Boys (grades 7-8th) Tuesday, 10.29.24 3:30-5pm
-Anyone want to be a lion mascot?

5. Break Room Blessing #2 
Second Break Room Blessing will be November 18, 2024 hosted by K-2nd families and organized by Kate Bailey; Sarah Cates; Lisa Christian. Jennifer Bennicker is to send out email to room parents of k-2nd.

6. Upcoming Events
-Christmas Parties- Wednesday, December 18
-MS during lunch/recess 12:35-1:25
-K5-5th parties from 2-3:15pm
-Jennifer Bennicker to send info to room parents early December
-Christmas Programs
-Thursday, December 5 - Grades 3-8th evening with cookie reception by PTF (Jamie may discuss some changes with this)
-Friday December 6 - Grades K5-2nd in morning 
-CFA Christmas Breakfast for Teachers December 12

Lap-A-Thon: Thursday, October 24

1. Thank you to Shelley Fipps and staff for Lap-A-Thon organizational emails and updates!

2. Tikiz Schedule: 2-3:00PM 
2:00-2:15 MS
2:15-2:30 4/5th grade
2:30-2:45 2/3rd 
2:45-3:00 K5/1st

3. Sign Up Genius almost full: *need a Tikiz helper:Sara Todd and Ashley Campbell to help

4. Committee Updates: 

Finance: Current amount to date: $20,000 toward goal of $30,000. 
Will continue to accept donations 1 week after event for main goal of moving expenses
Ms. Chandler likes the new Boosterthon platform

Prize: Upcoming “store” dates: 10.22.24 and 10.29.24 final day
Grand Prizes: Top Golf, Urban Air, For the Love of Art certificate
Elementary Class Winner: plan own party; MS class winner: Turbo Cone and park time

Spirit week themes
Lap A Thon Event
Kevin Giordano providing sound system and spirit team rotating “DJ”
*Need Bubbles:  Jennifer Bennicker has them 
Office will print stickers for marking laps 
Currently have balloon towers, inflatable arch; color powder; sunglasses; markers; hand sanitizer, wipes, first aid; small table, bubble machine
Field and cone set up by Jamie and Sara

Next Meeting Thursday, November 21

Tags: meetings, PTF
Posted in PTF

September PTF Notes

September 30, 2024
By CCS Office

September PTF Notes

1. Day of Prayer
Mr. Bednar met to explain a new upcoming event, Day of Prayer, held on Thursday, October 10 from 8- 3. Sign ups will be created to fill in slots so that there will be someone praying at all times during the day. A Prayer guide will be around to help people with specific prayers. An email will be sent out on September 26.

2. Breakroom Blessings 
November 18th is the next Breakroom Blessings. Kindergarten through second grades will be asked to contribute. A sign up list and more details will come closer to the date. It will be a thankful theme.

Chick fil A has generously donated lunch and breakfast for the teachers. The following are the tentative dates for the year:

-October 31 is lunch
-December 12 is breakfast
-March 20 is breakfast
-May 6 is lunch

For the October 31 lunch during the staff development day, Shanna Nimmons and Rebecca Maddox have volunteered to set tables.

3. Budget Notes 
Sara Todd has gone through the budget for the year to allow for Teacher Appreciation, Lapathon, End of year Celebration, and Christmas and Spring Programs. Jeff Beall added that there was a 40 percent increase in sponsorship from business sponsors.

4. Lap a Thon  
Goes Live September 30. Video will be shown in chapel.  The goal this year is $30,000 with funds raised going to moving costs.  

5. Financial team
Email will be sent out on Monday, September 30 with instructions on how to donate and use Boosterthon program.

6. Spirit Team 
Chapel will start kick off with a video. Chick fil A cow will also be present at dismissal. Eighth grade gets to suggest spirit day dress up themes with approval by Mrs. Chandler. There was a suggestion about purchasing an inflatable arch that can be used at starting line and saved to be reused each year along with other potential events.  The cost will be around 200 dollars. The committee will discuss that further with office staff and Ms. Chandler. Another suggestion was made that the kids decorate a large sheet of poster paper for the kids to run through at the starting line. Rebecca Maddox is going to reach out to Kevin Giordano about using Charleston Baptist's sound system.

7. Prize Team 
Rewards will work similar to last year. Kids will be awarded tickets per money donated. One ticket is awarded for every ten dollars donated. Tickets will be divided up and then given to teachers to be handed out before coming to the store.  Prizes will be ordered in categories of 1 ticket, 5 tickets, 10 tickets, and 15 tickets. Prizes will be ordered  through the office. Trying to finalize big prizes. Possible prizes may include Stars and Strikes, Riverdogs, Urban Air (new location), Amazon, and new indoor adventure park near Tanger. Preparing to have prize announcements made for next week. Prize store will be on Tuesdays beginning on October 8. The store will wrap up the week after Lap a thon.

Tiki's Snoball is confirmed for 2-3 pm on October 24.

8. Sign up genius will be sent out for day needs - tents, coolers of ice, volunteers, clean up, water bottles. More squirt bottles will need to be ordered.
Race will begin around 9.

Next meeting is Thursday, October 19.

Posted in PTF

Picture Day 2024

September 09, 2024
By CCS Office

Picture Day is Thursday, September 19. Students can dress up for pictures, but this is not a dress down day. Students can wear their uniforms if they prefer as well. Jeans should not worn for pictures.

We will also take volleyball pictures. Please send your daughter's volleyball uniform, including knee pads and tennis shoes, to change into after the class photos. They must change back after the team photo.

We are looking forward to seeing all the beautiful and handsome outfits! Let us know if you have any questions. 

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